WebMo has a basic logframe with an objective level, outcomes, outputs and activities. On objective, outcome and output level, you can (and should) of course add indicators. WebMo offers 3 different indicator types. On output level, you can add so-called activity indicators, which measure the achievements of attached activities. Another option is to add milestone indicators. We called them milestone indicators as they allow you to enter milestones from a baseline scenario to the target scenario. Or you can add a quantitative indicator, which is based on numbers for baseline, target and current values.
The logic of WebMo entails that the progress of outputs, outcomes and the objective is calculated exclusively based on their respective indicators. For example, if all outputs of an outcome have 100% progress, the respective outcome can be still 0% progress. But if the outputs are relevant for the outcome, we estimate that the indicators of the outcome will measure progress. The same applies for the objective: the objective indicator indicates the progress of the objective. This means, WebMo is 100% results-oriented! Only the indicator determines the progress, not the implementation status of activities or outputs.
If you would like to find out more about what WebMo is and what it can actually do for you and your project in practice, it is best to try it out yourself with our free trial option. If your project logic is different, or you would like to have things done in another way, just contact us and we will happily customize your WebMo according to your needs.